Images shown on this page, unless noted, were taken in the
Brentsville and Gainesville Districts of Prince William County and
copyrighted by Ronald R. Turner. Pictures may be used for personal or
research purposes . Commercial use requires permission
(1) This beautiful old barn on the Fletcher Family Farm, just off Lucasville Road, was lost to development after 2001
(2) Lucasville School, built 1883, is shown here on the Fletcher Farm as it looked in 1997 with attachments |
(3) Fletcher House
on Lucasville Road lost to Development after the farm was split in half
by V.D.O.T. when building the 234 by-pass road |
(4) Lucasville
School owned by Prince William County left to deteriorate - see
photograph #2 when the school was used as a farm building on Fletcher
Farm. |
(5) Gwatkin House on
Sanders Lane - Mary and Margaret Gwatkin owned this house on 150 acres
from 1824 to 1870 when it was sold to Thomas Putnam. The house was built
sometime between 1784 and 1817 probably by John DeBell |
(6) Gwatkin House on
Sanders Lane - Mary and Margaret Gwatkin owned this house from 1824 to
1870 and are buried in the family cemetery nearby |
(7) Marsteller Farm building removed
for Heritage Hunt. This was the only occupied dwelling of the Marsteller
Farm in July of 1997
(8) 19th century barn on the Marsteller Farm was situated on the same location as the current Heritage Hunt Clubhouse |
(9) Old house on the
Marsteller Farm, close to present day Paddock Court, was torn down in
1997 by U.S. Homes to build the Heritage Hunt Senior Community |
(10) Mitch Shell barn lost to build Heritage Hunt |
(11) This is the
inside of the barn pictured above on image number (9). It was pushed
over with a bulldozer and burned in July 1997 |
(12) Mitch Shell's house as it looked in 1998 before being torn down for Heritage Hunt |
(13) Marsteller Farm before it was torn down for Heritage Hunt |
(14) Marsteller Farm - heritage Hunt in 1997 close to what is now Glass Ridge place
(15) Horse Barn on the Mitch Shell farm. The land was sold to U.S. Homes to build a portion of Heritage Hunt |
(16) Marsh Farm 1997 before Heritage Hunt |
(17) Marsteller Farm 1997 looking toward present day Charismatic Way/Tuscarora Court |
(62) Mill Park outbuildings - Haymarket |
(19) Barns on Hersch Farm were torn down for Prince William County Innovation project - 1997 picture
(20) Hersch Farm on University Blvd. - hay barn with the silo inside was torn down for developement - 1997 picture |
(21) Tank house on the Hersch Farm with the resident house in the background - 1997 picture |
(22) "Ben Lomond", the home of Benjamin Tasker Chinn, built mid 19th century. |
(23) Ben Lomond stone farm building used as a store by the Pringle brothers before and during the Civil War. |
(24) Ben Lomond Farm stone accessory buildings |
(25) Route 55 Thoroughfare |
(26) Rust Family home at the intersection of Route 55 and Route 15, Haymarket VA |
(27) The late 19th century home of Wm. H. Brown just east of Gainesville VA on Route 29 |
(28) Ellis Farm at Greenwich |
(29) Out building on the Ellis Farm - Greenwich |
(30) Barn on old Ellis Farm taken from Vint Hill Road just outside Greenwich
(31) 18th century house ruins of "Meadowlands" AKA "The Miller's house at Chapman's Mill" |
(32) Late 18th century Beverly's Mill (Chapman's Mill) ruins as it looked on 10 April 2008 |
(33) This picture of Beverly's Mill was taken 30 September 1998, 22 days before being destroyed by fire. |
(34) Route 55 Thoroughfare said to be a tenant building for Cloverland Farm |
(35) Carter house located on Bull Run Mountain at Thoroughfare Gap |
(36) Furr House ca.1890 at Beverly Mill taken 30 Sep 1998 |
(37) Bull Run Chapel built about 1914 by the 8th Regimental Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy |
(38) "Prospect Hill" 18th century house in western Prince William County. Home to the Hutchison Family for many years.
(39) 1994 picture of Furr House - Millers House at Chapman's Mill taken from the railroad looking down |
(40) This house at Brentsville known as the "The White House" may preceed the town by a few years |
(41) Brentsville One Room School |
(42) Brentsville Court House built in 1822 and early 1823 has been restored and is a county treasure. |
(43) Brentsville Union Church on Bristow Road in the town of Brentsville has been fully restored. 1997 picture |
(44) St. James Episcopal Church in Brentsville was built about 1847 and is still in use today. |
(45) Asbury Methodist Church, Nokesville, VA was built about 1893 |
(46) "The Old Cornwell Place", the
19th century home of Thomas & Cornelia Cornwell in Brentsville, VA
was torn down in September 2005
(47) The Brentsville Superette still in operation at Brentsville, VA was first owned and operated by Robert Hilman Keys |
(48) Old Bradley Meeting Place |
(49) Lowe House, route 234 just south of Hoadley Road
at Independent Hill |
(50) This stone building known as the Conner House was built around 1850 and is now maintained by the city of Manassas Park |
(51) "Sudley Springs Post Office" built late 19th century now part of MNBP was used as a residence, store & post office |
(52) Barn on Route 28 - "Welcome to Nokesville"
(53) One of the outbuildings on the Rollins Farm at Bristow Station VA. The Robertson cemetery is just beyond the barn. |
(54) Vacant House - Route 55 Gainsville |
(55) Nokesville - The Graybill-Whetze
Home built in the early 1900s is one of the finest houses in this
part of Prince William . The brick tankhouse on the left is very rare
(56) "Pattie House" on the old Pattie Farm, Catharpin VA, was torn down to make room for a housing development |
(57) G. A. Gossom
Store and the Waterfall Post Office was built about 1870-75. It is still
standing but has been vacant a few years. |
(58) Wheeler Barn on Balls Ford Road |
(59) John Florence House in the small community of Limstrong's Corner- torn down by V.D.O.T. |
(60) Beale House - Catharpin Road |
(61) Dr. Payne the owner of this house from 1917 to 1960 was a well known Haymarket physician |
(62) Dr. Payne House as it looked in 1996 before being engulfed with "development" |
(63) Barns on old Pattie Farm - Catharpin |
(64) Buckland Methodist Church |
(65) Old Bradley Meeting Place |
(66) Bristow Station |
(67) Roland Building - Haymarket |
(68) Barnes Homeplace - Bethlehem |
(69) Catharpin Farm |
(70) Barnes-Howison pole barn torn down for Howison Park |
(71) Barnes-Howison house torn down for Howison Park |
(72) Barnes-Howison smokehouse torn down for Howison Park |
(73) Robinson House |
(74) Willow Green Distillery ca.1797 |
(76) Thomasson Dairy Barn just south of Manassas |
(77) Antioch Road barn overlooking Silver Lake - a cemetery just on the right side of the barn |
(78) Logmill Road unknown |
(79) Libeau House at Limstrong Corner |
(80) "Annaburg" In
the city of Manassas was built by Robert Portner in 1892. The residence
contained 35 rooms and was said to be the first residence in the country
with mechanical air conditioning. |
(81) "Berrywood" at Thoroughfare in the 1990s before being torn down. |
(82) "Kinsley" The home of the Delaplane Family was built in the late 19th century on a 1794 foundation
(83) Willow Green/
AKA Wheeler House was built between 1785 and 1795 and is one of the
oldest houses still used as a residence in the Manassas area. |
(84) W. T. Gossom House ca.1900 at Hickory Grove
(85) "Springfield"originally built in the 1700s the date of the current structure is unknown but probably 19th century
(86) early 19th century W. R. Gossom's Cheese Factory and Grist Mill at Hickory Grove |
(87) early 19th century W. R. Gossom's Cheese Factory and Grist Mill at Hickory Grove |
(88) Kinsley building "Uncle Tom's Cabbin" |
(89) Kinsley facing Buckland Mill Road |
(90) |
(92) Russell Store at Canova in 2010 like most small family stores has seen better days. |
(93) "Hagley" Waterfall Road |
(95) Alvey - Sanders house at Catharpin |
(96) "Deseret", a late 18th century home at 3611 Logmill Road, was torn down to make room for new houses
(97) Libeau building at Limstrong Corner |
(98) Eicher House at Catharpin |
(99) |
(100) Lawnvale |
(101) Lawnvale |
(102) |
(103) Buckhall School built around 1865 - this picture was taken January 2010 |
(104) Buckhall Methodist Church built c1905 |
(105) The Lewis Farm on Sudley Road in Manassas |
(106) Hornbaker Road |
(107) Hornbaker Road |
(108) Gainesville Methodist Church Parsonage built about 1895 |
(109) Manassas Presbyterian Church built with local red sandstone.The building is now a very fine restaurant. |
(110) The 5th Prince William County Courthouse, built about 1892 when the court moved from Brentsville. |
(111) Bennett School
on Lee Avenue, Manassas was built in 1909 to be the first agricultural
high school in Virginia but was always used as an elementary school. |
(112) The site today of the Haymarket Museum was errected in the year 1883 to be used as the town hall. |
(113) Was the Haymarket Pharmacy from the late 1800s to the 1930s when it was turned into the Haymarket Post Office |
(114) Haymarket |
St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Haymarket was built originall around 1801
to be the District Courthouse for Prince William, Loudoun, Fauquier
& Fairfax |
(116) "Woodlawn"
just outside Haymarket, built c1784 and owned by the Tyler family. Was a
large working farm for almost 200 year then donated to Univ. of
Virginia |
(117) Haymarket |
(118) Bacon Race Church interior Ca.1950s - picture courtesy of Terry Pearson |
(119) Taylor House - Loudoun Drive |
(120) Waterloo - owned by the Berkeley family |
(121) Nokesville VA 1918 - This photo was taken just south of Laws Meat Shop looking from the Railroad tracks |
(122) Nokesville VA 1918 - This photo was taken looking toward the railroad tracks from Hedricks Shop |
(123) Nokesville VA 1918 - This photo was taken in front of Free's Store |
(122) Gainesville |
(123) Fetzer Homeplace at Sudley Springs, Prince William County - Photo thanks to Becky Phillips |
(124) Fetzer Mill at Sudley Springs - Photo thanks to Becky Phillips |
(125) Beverly Mill Store & Mill - 23 December 2011 |
(126) Beverly Mill - 23 December 2011 |
(127) Mid 1700s Ruins of Miller's House at Beverly Mill
23 December 2011 |
(128) Oakrum Church - 23 December 2011 |
(129) Oakrum Church - 23 December 2011 |
(130) Broad Run Grocery at Thoroughfare |
(131) Pageland Barn |
(132) Mount Pleasant - original house ca. 1780 was used as a store 1800 - 1825 |
(133) Park Gate c1770 - In 1789 Daniel Brent sold the house to Thomas Lee |
(134) Buckland Tavern - Early 19th century tavern in the village of Buckland |
(135) John Trone House - Early 19th century residence in the village of Buckland |
(136) Falkland ca 1825 - 19th century home of Nick Loughborough Carter and others |
(137) Henry House - Manassas Battlefield Park |
(138) Henry Family Cemetery at Manassas Battlefield Park |
(139) Brawner House at Manassas Battlefield Park - AKA Douglas Hall - AKA Bachelor Hall |
(140) Mt. Calvary Church and location of Jennie Dean's burial-place Catharpin VA |
(141) Mt. Calvary Church and location of Jennie Dean's burial-place Catharpin VA |
(142) Sunny Brook Dairy Farm just outside Manassas VA |
(143) Cocke's Pharmacy building in downtown Manassas built about 1887 by W. C. and B. D. Merchant for a hardware store |
(144) Elisha E. Meredith House was built by John A Cannon a well known Manassas builder ca. 1890 |
(145) Osbourn School or Milnes house - ca. 1885 Manassas VA |
(146) Gainesville Mount Pleasant Church before the fire. |
(147) Tim Sinclair House across from the Gainesville Methodist Church on Route 55 Gainesville |
(148) Tim Sinclair House across from the Gainesville Methodist Church on Route 55 Gainesville |
(150) Geeenwich |
(151) Greenwich |
(152) |
(153) |
(154) |
(155) |