Keys Farm

Likely the farm of Eula "Cootie" and Stanley J. Keys which they might have purchased it in 1983. Stanley died in 2001 and Eula died in 2011.

I believe this is part of the 99 acre farm that James Leo Kindsloe purchased in 1901 from Jefferson B. Lynn (wife was Salina J.), both parties were living in Savanna, Illinois, on the banks of the Mississippi River at the time. James L. Kindsloe died in 1905 at age 27 and is burried in a cemetery on this property.

The 1901 deed linked below mentions that the property was part of the Leonard Baker land patent of 1730. It also mentions the recent (1901) survey was completed by Thomas A.? Carter.

Keys Family Info

Most of this data was provided by Morgan Breeden in Jan. 2017
Stanley J. Keys (Dec. 14th, 1918 - Sept. 9th, 2001) was the youngest child of Owen Lewis Keys (July, 27 1885 - Jan. 1954) and Sallie C. Kincheloe (1882 - Aug. 18th, 1972). These two generations of the Keys family are buried in Ivy Hill Cemetery, Alexandria, Virginia. The Kincheloe's lived on the farm next door. Sallie C. Kincheloe's father was Andrew Jackson Kincheloe. He is Eli Kincheloe's older brother and living on the farm when the 1900 census was taken. Eli Kincheloe's grave is the only one in the family cemetery with a marked headstone at the neighboring farm.

Owen was the 2nd child of Evander G. W. Keys (Feb 1863 - May 1933) and Hannah Elmira Limming (April 1865 - March 1944). A 1910 deed where he and Hannah sold their 185 acre farm north of Hoadly Road near Rt. 234 shows his first name as "Evandon".

Evander was the 13th child of Magruder Keys (June 1812 - July 1886) and Ann McCraken (b. 1824) and

Magruder was the eldest child of Alexander Keys (1784 - ) and Jane Fielding (1784 - 1857).

Alexander was the eldest of Rolly Keys (1760 - 1817) and Nancy Unknown.

And last in the list is Thomas Keys (c 1735) who reportedly came over with three brothers from Scotland.

Related Links

The Kindsloe and Kincheloe families seem to be the same family. Andrew Jackson Kindsloe and Eli Kincheloe were brothers. You can read more about the Kincheloe family on their cemetery page.


1937 Aerial with barn, house, and cemetery visable.

Images taken by David Cuff March 2018

Images taken by David Cuff on June 16, 2021