Tyler Cemetery


This cemetery was part of "The Shelter" property which was a long standing delapidated structure. The property was developed into a housing development around 1997. There is a long history of site visits, with documentation of this cemetery. They are listed below.

Location of The Shelter and the cemetery on 1937 aerial image.

Survey Details

Classification: Family
Status: Under rehabilitation
Condition: Poor
Approx. Size: 180 x 350 feet
Approximate Number of Burials: 12
Markers: Tombstone, Fieldstone, Unmarked
Surnames Listed on Markers:

William Bailey Tyler who was born March 12, 1799, died Oct 20, 1851, aged 52 years 6 months, 26 days
W.B.T. – cut stone (footstone for William Bailey Tyler)
M.A.G. – cut stone (Mary Ann Grayson)
B.T.C. – cut stone (Benjamin Tasker Chinn)
Sacred to the memory of John Bronaugh Tyler who was born on the 8th day of December 1826 and died on the 26th day of November 1845, aged 18 years, 11 months, 18 days.
J.B.T. cut stone (foot stone of John Bronaugh Tyler
J.A.T. cut stone (Julia A. Tyler)
Robert h. son of Wm. B. & Mary E. Tyler born Jul 26, 1838 – died Jan 24, 1902
Three red stones marking graves.

Comments: This cemetery is completely overgrown and I’m sure there are other stones.
Surveyed By: Ron Turner & Betty Duley - 1997
Latitude / Longitude: 38.877313, -77.620935
Earliest Burial Date:
Latest Burial Date:

Site Visits

Visited by: Date: Comments:
Susan R. Morton March 28, 1938 The Chinns whose name appears on the tombstones are the same family who lived at “Hazel Plain”. “The Shelter” was used as a hospital during the War Between the States, and is located on the Battlefield, now owned by the Government.
Morton listed these markers:
Edmonia R., wife of Benjamin T. Chinn, Feby 23rd, 1813-August 18th 1895
Benjamin T. Chinn, died Oct 25th, 1886, age 79 years. We which believed enter into rest
Sacred to the memory of Julia A. Tyler, wife of George Tyler, who was born Jan 1st, 1802 - died July 21st 1849
William Bailey Tyler, who was born March 2nd 1799, died Oct 20, 1851, age 52 years
Robert, son of Mary E. & William Tyler, July 26, 1838-Jan 24, 1902
Mary E. Tyler, wife of William B. Tyler, died Sept 27th, 1869, in the 71st year of her age
Mary Ann Grayson, born Dec 9, 1821, died Sept 19, 1856 - An affectionate daughter, a beloved wife, the best of mothers. She lived a humble Christian, and died in the full assurance of a happy resurrection. Oh death where is thy sting, Oh grave where is thy victory?
John B. Grayson, born Sept 5, 1854, died Aug 21, 1855
E.R. Conner III August. 19, 1979 Cem. is on slight rise in large grove of trees and dense underbrush. This was cemetery for The Shelter, Tyler house now in woods to northeast, part of which was built before 1800 by Martin Cockburn and which is still standing in very ruinous condition. The main house tract has been sold out of the Tyler family, but the tract on which the cem. lies has a Tyler heir as absentee owner. The transcriptions of the above stones, no longer visible, may or may not be accurate. It is likely that some of these markers are now covered by earth rather than completely missing. Cemetery is not legally reserved. Conner listed these markers: 1. Sacred to the memory of John Bronaugh Tyler, who was born on the 8th day of December 1826, and died on the 26th day of November 1845, aged 18 years 11 months and 18 days.
1a. J. B. T.
2. George B. Son of Wm. B. & Mary e. Tyler Jan 13, 1830 June 18, 1900 (fallen and partially sunken) 3. Small cut stone, partially sunken and illegible.
Conner included these sketches:

Ron Turner & Betty Duley 1997 This cemetery is completely overgrown and I’m sure there are other stones.
Bill Olson June 23, 2016 The gate was overgrown with briers, thorns, and vines, and probably had not been open in recent times. The thicket had to be cut away to get to the chain with snap on the gate. The vegetation within the cemetery was dense, and difficult to see anything. I could only make it a few feet in to the cemetery. It would need removal of interior thicket and vines to see anything.
Robert Moser, Bill Olson, David Cuff July 3, 2016 The three of us went to the site to see if it's a project we can do. Some stones were found but most were not in their native location. A detailed list will be made once the site is cleared.
Robert Moser, Ron Turner, David Cuff Feb 19, 2017 Run Turner has been doing a lot of clearing of sticks and underbrush at this cemetery for the last few months. All three of us worked at the site this day and were visited by two couples who live in the neighborhood.
David Cuff, The Young's, and others Feb 18, 2024 A small group of volunteers worked on the cemetery for the day clearing thick brush.


Images taken Feb 18, 2024

Image taken Feb 19, 2017

Images taken July 3, 2016


The Shelter Survey (pdf)
Works Progress Administration of Virginia Historical Inventory - The Shelter (pdf)
Works Progress Administration of Virginia Historical Inventory - Cemetery (pdf)
Works Progress Administration of Virginia Historical Inventory - Photos (pdf)
The Shelter Photos - Part A (pdf)
The Shelter Photos - Part B (pdf)
The Shelter Photos - Part C (pdf)
Potomac News Article 1986 (pdf)
