Bradley Baptist Cemetery


When this cemetery was established it was likely called the German Baptist Bretheran Church Cemetery. In the late 1940s the parcels were sold according to the book, A Past to Preserve. The church might have taken the name of Bradley Baptist Church. Today, the sign out front reads "Country Baptist Church".

Thomas (Feb. 25 1820 - July 2 1903) and Martha (Oct. 22 1821 - Sept. 17 1900) Jones donated land for the "house of worship" in 1899. According to the deed, the structure had to be built within two years or the property reverted back to Thomas and Martha Jones ownership. In 1905, trustees of the church were able to secure additional land for a burial ground from the Thomas Jones Estate. The deed was not delivered to and admitted to record at the Courthouse until 1913. Thomas and Martha Jones are buried at the Linton Hall Benedictine Monastery Cemetery.

The meeting house on the 1937 image. The Bradley School House is just across the street.

Even though the church wasn't built until 1901, and the additional land obtained for a burial ground in 1905, there are at least three burials before 1905, and one, Mary Lockhart Brill prior to 1899. She died June 1, 1895 and is the only burial before 1904 and the only Brill buried here. The newspaper entry mentioning her death explains why. "Mrs. Brill died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. L[inden]. P. Maphis, near Bradley School House, on Saturday last aged about 75 years".

The Bradley Meeting House taken about 1982

Linden Maphis and his wife, daughter of Mary Lockhart Brill, Mary Lindsay Francis Maphis are living in the area on a 77 acre farm they purchased about 1888 from William Lipscomb.

Linden and Mary Lindsay Francis Maphis are also buried here, in 1938 and 1939. Mary Lockhart Brill's grave marker is modern and was not put in place around her time death, but much later.

The book, A Past to Preserve states this of the structure.
"Resting on a red, sandstone foundation, this small, one-story, frame-built church is covered with weatherboards. Stylistic features include plain box trim, gabled returns, a box cornice, and double cornerboards. In 1899 Thomas and Martha Jones donated this parcel of land to the trustees of the Church of the Brethren, also known as the German Baptist Brethren Church. Bradley Meeting Hall was completed in 1901, and meetings were held there for many years. Even after the property was sold in 1946, it has continued to be used for religious purposes."

In many of the deeds related to property in the area mention the Bradley School House. This was a common structure everyone in the area knew of. Thomas and Martha Jones donated 1 acre of land for the school in 1871 according to the book A Past to Preserve.

The Bradley School House from A Past to Preserve.

It says: "In 1871, Thomas and Martha Jones donated one acre of land to the Trustees of the School District of Manassas for the site of a public free school for whites. Since the Virginia Public School System was not established until 1869, Bradley was certainly one of the first public schools to be built in Virginia. The small, frame, one-story weatherboard structure is built in the style of atypical one-room schoolhouse. There is a one-story, shed-roofed, open porch spanning the front or south facade. This is one of the few remaining one-room schools in the county."

According to Ron Turner, the Bradley School House was built in 1872 and is one of the few remaining one room school houses in the county. Miss Sarah E. Johnson was the first teacher and taught there 41 years from 1872 to 1913. The school closed in 1930 and was sold in 1936.

Thomas and Martha Jones owned a lot of land in the area. One deed mentions owning property next to the Fostern House which is next to Moor Green. They gave one of their sons a 104 acre farm and the other received a 25 area parcel in the area.

Survey Details

Classification: Religious
Status: In use
Condition: Good
Approx. Size: 100 x 140 feet
Approximate Number of Burials: 70+
Earliest Burial Date: 1895
Markers: Headstones, fieldstones, unmarked
Surnames Listed on Markers:

Surveyed by: Ron Turner on Aug. 23, 1994.
Arnold, Julia F. 26 Dec 1870 - 4 Jun 1957
Arnold, Willie Willis 23 Sep 1868 - 27 Aug 1950
Bean, Arthur 14 Jan 1893 - 24 Jun 1968
Bean, Jimmie T.24 Apr 1918 - 23 Jun 1935
Bean, Rosie Bell 18 Apr 1899 - 25 Oct 1967
Beavers, Lola G. 8 Dec 1905 - 1 Sep 1911?
Bell, Anna A. 19 Aug 1881 - 29 Nov 1905
Bell, Daniel P. 2 Aug 1834 - 14 Sep 1904
Bell, George W. 1860 - 1942
Bell, Infant 19 Nov 1910 - 20 Nov 1910
Bell, John D. 23 May 1898 - 5 Sep 1920
Bell, John S. 19 Feb 1866 - 16 Jun 1911
Bell, Sarah E. 1859 - 1910
Brill, Mary Lockhart 6 Oct 1823 - 1 Jun 1895
Burke, Albert R. Jr. 24 Nov 1931 - 17 Jun 1949
Burke, Anna Stiff 8 Jan 1899 - 14 Jun 1990
Burke, Clarence E. 9 Nov 1914 - 3 Aug 1983
Burke, Elmore Ira 17 May 1889 - 29 Sep 1949
Burke, Mamie 5 Jun 1891 - 8 Jun 1974
Burke, Mary B. 21 Dec 1911 - 19 Dec 1985
Burke, Mary T. 13 Jul 1929 - 27 Sep 1959
Burke, Paul Wesley - no information because stone buried
Burke, Shirley A. 14 Dec 1935 - 30 Jan 1936
Burke, Tessie Bell 7 May 1909 - 14 Jun 1990
Conway, Henry Clarence 21 Oct 1883 - 26 Sep 1962
Cooper, Grady E. 30 May 1893 - 7 Jan 1975
Cooper, Jas. A. 17 Aug 1855 - 17 Jan 1935
Cooper, Lucy F. 4 Jul 1861 - 28 Oct 1946
Dodd, William T. 17 Dec 1861 - 11 Sep 1906
Fair, Gordon 4 Oct 1910 - 1 Jul 1993
Fair, Leroy 10 Apr 1878 - 26 Dec 1941
Fair, Levi 12 May 1907 - 6 Mar 1961
Fair Willie J. 10 Oct 1880 - 18 Nov 1971
Gregory, Mallie Cora 10 Oct 1914 - 4 Aug 1997
Gregory, Porter Randle 16 Apr 1913 - 21 Sep 1960
Jay, Pearl I. 25 Jul 1922 - 26 Jul 1987
Keys, Jimmie 1907 - 1911
Luke, Alma Robinson 24 May 1912 - 3 Jun 1978
Maphis, Linden P. 1858 - 1938
Maphis, Mary S.F. 1861 - 1939
May, Emma 27 Sep 1921 age 2 months
May, Emma Warren 14 Mar 1885 - 9 Apr 1957
May, John 1888 - 1958
May, Sarah 5 Jan 1923 age 87 years
McCauley, Pauline V. 1929 - 1997
Miller, Andrew J. 1 Aug 1855 - 28 Mar 1920
Mitchell, Susie E. 23 Aug 1968 - 27 Sep 1922
Neale, Hazel V. no information
Payne, Dorotha I. 8 Jun 1908 - only date
Powers, Emmitt 26 May 1896 - 8 Sep 1960
Powers, Hobert H. 24 Oct 1934 - 14 Apr 1963
Powers, Roy Edward no information
Powers, Terry Ray 12 Aug 1954 - 19 Feb 1955
Randall, Earl s/o J. I. & Esther no information
Randall, Edgar E. s/o J. I. & Esther no information
Randall, Esther Jane 9 Apr 1887 - 13 Aug 1948
Robinson, Alma Luke 24 May 1912 - 3 Jun 1978
Robinson, Eleanor V. 5 Aug 1915 - 3 Aug 1942
Robinson, Mary J. 30 May 1853 - 15 Sep 1911
Robinson, Sophia L. 31 Oct 1889 - 13 Jul 1919
Warren, Emma no information
Warring, Blanch I. 26 Jul 1924 - 21 Mar 1934
Warring, Lizzie Cornwell 30 Jan 1904 - 10 Feb 1986
Warring, Peter 17 May 1994 only date
Warring, Roy Edward 16 Sep 1939 - 1 Feb 1979
Warring, Sam 26 Mar 1888 - 23 May 1960
Weeks, Katie 4 Jan 1902 - 4 Mar 1992
Weeks, Walter William 5 Apr 1919 - 24 Sep 1939
Weeks, William F. 18 Jun 1889 - 28 Feb 1995
Wesley, Paul - no information

Comments: None
Surveyed By: Ron Turner on Aug. 23, 1994
Latitude / Longitude: 38.70686, -77.47297

Site Visits

Visited by: Date: Comments:
Ron Turner Aug. 23, 1994 None
David Cuff Oct. 2022 Cemetery is in good condition and is maintained.


Images taken October 2022
